Collin cessna
In 2021, Collin Cessna had a solo art show at the Zo Gallery which featured plein air Baltimore
landscapes. In March of 2025, Collin Cessna returns to the Zo Gallery with a new solo art show
titled, “Land of the Beasties.”
“Land of the Beasties” features an immersive experience of fictional and non-fictional characters
created by Collin Cessna. A statement from the artist, “I want to showcase another side of my
artwork and myself. I have been focused on sharing my landscape painting for the last five
years. I have not spent as much time sharing an artform that is dear to me which is cartooning
and illustrating. Since I was a child, I have always loved drawing cartoons and I created a world
in which these characters lived. I could escape to this world and fill it with stories. I always return
to this world and now I want to share it with you. I hope to see you at “Land of the Beasties.”